Welcome to my third blogging experience...created in order to keep my other blogs free of my crazy rantings. This space will be dedicated to the day to day trials and tribulations of motherhood and life in general...as well as the experiences that come with trying to rediscover the many basics of life that have been lost to the constant hullabaloo and cookie cutter mentality that has become the 21st century.

I am a proud mama to our first born, Gracie, who waits for us in Heaven, and her very lively little sister, Jenna. I am a semi-crunchy mama who works full time outside of the home. If you come here to read, expect to find posts related to cloth diapering, breast feeding, homemade baby food, organics, cooking and recipes, day care & working outside the home, baby wearing, natural childbirth, general fitness, general nutrition, environmental topics, etc.

Feel free to ask questions, share valuable information that you might have or share your thoughts and/or opinions. Please do not come here to attack the things that I believe or the way I live. I will respect your opinions as long as you respect mine, even if it means agreeing to disagree!! :-)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Few More Giveaways

I came across these giveaways today as I was perusing a my blog roll....

Kissaluvs Pail Liner and Diaper Potion Lotion on The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

AMP Diaper giveaway on Diary of a Devil Dog Wife

Knickernappies diaper giveaway on Diary of a Devil Dog Wife

Bummas wipes on Feelin' Kinda Crunchy

Oh Katy pocket diaper on Susan Heim on Parenting

Wool Dryer Balls on Life as a Global Mom (from the Willow Store)

Tiny Tush one-size pocket diaper on Life as a Global Mom

Change-Diapers.com is giving away a $120 cloth diaper package giveaway to celebrate 1000 followers. 

And if you haven't checked out Cloth Diaper Addiction's 2000-1000 giveaway on FB, head over and do so!!!

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